Leaving - on a jet plane

I do know when I will be back again, though!

I will be spotty as far as communication starting tomorrow morning. I am spending some time in K.C. visiting with my Marine Corps Surrogate family; have not seen them in nearly 30 years in person, so will be busy reminiscing, catching up, being the same me, and having a good time.

Will be driving up to Lincoln Friday sometime, so not sure if I will get to do anything fun Friday night, might just be hanging out at my hotel bar...

I will be in the booth for Saturday's game with AJ...

The defense wa bad...hope for improvement?

Ok, so we all know the defense was bad last night, and that really makes two weeks on a row. You can gripe and bitch about it in other threads, but in this thread I want to discuss 2 things. 1. What do you see as chances for improvement over the season? 2. And 2 in what ways do you see this years defense being better than last years? In some ways these questions are related as the improvements we do see might be related to the possibility of future improvements.

As far as how we can improve, I would add what is the problem. Is it simply new scheme that is working out kinks? Is it failure on the part of the coaches? Or is this ultimately a talent issue, our players are not as good as we had hoped they would be. Have we just recruited poorly and misjudged talent on the defense side of the ball?

Edit: Just read on another thread about how many of the long drives came against our 2nd team defense? Is this true? Is that part of the issue? Are we rotating that much? If so, that is not a major problem in games like this, as it gets young guys experience, all be it at the expense of giving up rather meaningless yards and points. I don't know if this is truly the case or not. So anyone that knows, please respond to this possibility here as well.
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Replay of UVA?

So I am still in Romania and have tons of time on my hands. Is there a web site for watching the UVA game? I have comcast/xfinity and all that, and couldn't find it on ESPN or the P12 NW. Any ideas much appreciated. Gonna be in NC for my Pop's 90th for the next one...just praying I don't have to wrestle the remote from Dad, who is a UM Big Blue Blood through and through.....and a Tar Heel, of course.

Roll call: Lincoln, Nebraska

Who's going? I'm flying in to Kansas City ($200+ cheaper than flying into Lincoln or Omaha for some reason) on Friday, meeting a fraternity brother coming in from Texas, and driving the 2 1/2 hours to Lincoln Friday afternoon. Staying at the Fairfield Inn in the SE suburb of Lincoln. Got a reserved spot in the N Street Gravel lot. You can reserve a spot in the city owned lots and garages here:

Anyone got the scoop on restaurants and bars for Friday night? Game day activities/recommendations?

Go Ducks!

