I don't participate in slamming other members here and I am getting sick to death of the bullshit and name calling and just plain fricking rudeness that is going back and forth.
To me, and probably only to me, this board is the virtual equivalent of sitting in a sports bar with a bunch of Duck fans that are all different ages with different backgrounds from around he country.
How fricking cool is that?!
That's a rabid Duck fan's dream (and I consider everyone on here a rabid fan).
We get information that we don't know from people that do.....we get opinions and observations and sometimes its funny and sometimes its sad (Greg Ballard) but its all among like minded people (Ducks anyway).
Its the best Ducks sports bar in the world.
Sure we get in disagreements, arguments even, just like in a bar with your pals. We all have opinions, usually strong ones and we try to get everyone else to agree with them. I think you should be adamant about your beliefs, defend them...but don't be a dick.
But at the end of the day, for me, its a great way stay into the Duck scene with like minded folks.
I choose to be here as does everybody else does. I pay for the privilege of being here (not much I admit...its a good value).
But I do not want to keep coming to this bar if its gonna keep being so disrespectful. I'm thick skinned....I can take it.....I just don't want to.
So....go ahead and flame my ass 'cause I just don't give a damn if you don't like me or my posts.
Just trying to have fun.