Just read an interesting article from USA Today ranking the PAC-12 football teams, ostensibly by the average number of TV viewers per game.
It is, perhaps, a little different take on how to figure a team's value to TV.
So, while Oregon is in a small media market, we typically have an exceptional number of people watching our games on TV. In the conference, only USC has more (we are virtually tied with UW for 2nd).
For instance, in the past "half-decade" USC has had 45 games with over 1 million viewers, and 6 games with over 4 million viewers. Its most-watched game had 15.74 million viewers (2016 RB vs Penn State).
Oregon had 35 games with over 1 million viewers and 6 games with over 4 million viewers. Our most-watched game had 16.30 million viewers (2019 RB vs Whisky). We had more people watch our RB game than USC did.
By comparison, UCLA is 6th in the PAC with 28 and 1, respectively. Firmly entrenched behind Standard and
Apparently, Washington State draws more viewers than UCLA.
So, maybe a part of the team value equation should not only be "how large is your market" but "how many people watch your games."
I get that this article does not give the total number of viewers per team, per year...but it's interesting.
BTW, OSU is 12th out of 12 with 4 games over 1 million and 0 games with over 4 million. Its most-watched game had 3.49 million viewers (2019 vs Oklahoma State).