World High Jump

I wouldn’t post this non Duck related post except for the fact that it was such a highlight of the meet. A Qatari stoled the show in his Gold Medal performance. The heretofore reserved Doha crowd went wild as their countryman made them swell with pride. It became the turning point ... or what we call the “Hayward Magic” moment. After that this world championship turned into a World Championship. The crowd came together and, and track worked its magic to be the great ambassador of international peace as it normally does.

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DSA Tailgate: 3.0

Okay all, little by little I am replenishing my tailgate stock. Still not where I was in 2011-12 as far as gear, but getting more.

We will be at

(Serbu Youth Center)
Space: 223 (we are at the far end of the old, old practie field now called "Essig Field") in a paved space

Tomorrow we will have some of the basic staples of Burgers, dogs, chips, salsa, and plenty of fluids.

I am still working on getting another generator, but because we will be using our RV next season, we just do not feel like spending too much money for one this season. Will have an idea tomorrow if we will have TV for watching games or not.

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The definition of football insanity

Is repeating the same play calls and expecting things to change.

Oregon had 9 months to prepare for Auburn and scored 21 points.

They met a reeling Stanford team that hasn't stopped anyone and scored 21 points.

Cal has a very solid defense. If the Ducks stick to their script and run what they always run, Evan Weaver and his teammates will stone them dead.

My article today:

US 4x100 Relay Controvesy

As things turned our recent Oregon graduate, Cravon Gillespie, is at the center of one of the most talked about moments of the World Championships.

When a video is available I, or someone will post it. Cravon had the honor of running the anchor leg on the talented US relay team.
The exchange between Cravon and Rogers was terrible. Gillespie started off too early as Rogers slowed up going into the exchange. With Gillespie looking and moving forward with his hand reaching behind him, Rogers did not get the baton near Gilespie’s hand. Gillespie slowed up ... almost to a stop in order to attempt the exchange prior to passing the exchange zone.

It was extremely hard to tell by watching replays if the exchange happened within the space allowed. The Canadians have filed a protest. As of now I do not know the ruling.

Other than the exchange, Gillespie and his teammates ran well. This is really strange that world class relay runners would make mistakes that are rarely seen in high school track... but I am not under the kind of pressure that these guys must feel.
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