I read on another message board concerning the potential fumble of Penix, that it was indeed a "possible" fumble. The thinking is the his arm was moving forward when he got hit and it was an incomplete pass, not a fumble. But, he pointed out the ball was not thrown forward, which means it's a backwards pass and it should have been a fumble. I watched the video and he sure has a point. It looks to me, from the angle, it was not a forward pass, which means it's a fumble. Oregon did recover as most of you remember.
I am at the point where "it is what it is". I do find it fascinating I didn't consider this at the time as well as Herbie and the crew. Did any of you consider a backwards pass, which is a fumble ???
If your over it and don't care I get it. Just thought it might be something to discuss. Maybe Brandon can find the clip and post it.