As Duck9397 pointed out in an earlier post, with all of the excitement and enthusiasm for the new coach and what many believe will be the next transformation within Oregon football, we need to remember and appreciate those that have paved the way. I believe Coach Taggart may have even eluded to it during his press conference when he said, "We are not going to forget our traditions, we are going to build upon them".
As Oregonians, past and present, as well as loyal Ducks fans, we have always taken pride in a couple of things; being innovative and being loyal. While we wait for Coach Taggart to show his innovation through recruiting, hiring, and systems, we should not pause in openly praising and thanking those coaches who have spent a decade or more within the program and defined those traits that make us and the program what they are.
The experts, talking heads, and those in a position to know all seem to agree that there will be very little retention of our last coaching staff, if any. My feeling is that these men of Oregon should be given a parade for their efforts, loyalty, and taking to program to heights never seen before within Oregon football.
I know it is not proper to switch from 3rd to 1st person during writing but I'm going to go against the grain and do things differently just as so many of our coaches have. Coach Cam, Pellum, Neal, Greatwood, Osborne, Rad, I love you guys. You have given us all so much to cheer for, for so many years. You have been Men of Oregon through your actions, your teachings, and charity. We have been lucky to have you. Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my green and yellow heart. Go Ducks!