It's just me...

I was told once that they broke the mold after they made which I responded, I've been told it was pretty well cracked to begin with.

Taking that as the are some thoughts I've had:

- Our basketball team has all the positive qualities of a beer mug with a hole at both ends. We don't have a powerful inside game, but that's ok, because we don't have terrific PG play either. What we DO have is a BUNCH of 2's, 3's and 4's. Unfortunately, some of the 2's think they're 1s (others are still wondering what a 2 does), the 4's think they're 2s or 3s and the 3's haven't figured out which they are yet.

- For long stretches of games we play offense and defense with all the intensity and efficiency of a bowl of cold spaghetti...lots of things going lots of different directions, but it still just kind of sits there with nothing good happening.

- We've recruited a couple of forwards, a 6'6 shooting guard and a 6'11 center who won't play for two years. Somehow I don't see that making a huge impact next year - even though all of the above are excellent ballplayers. We'll still be without a post presence or a PG (see above).

- All too often, the team cohesion, chemistry and awareness on the court reminds me of a middle-school rendition of West Side Story...some clunkers, a few pratfalls, more than a handful of "Really?" moments....and, at the end, everyone applauds because we KNOW they're young and will get better.
