the vagaries of humankind, I have come to a deeply painful realization:
To wit: some people are just not nice!
Tomorrow - on a day when many people will be enjoying themselves in a collegial show of companionship and camaraderie, one group will be forcing a situation upon a poor defenseless being who would NEVER do something of that nature in return.
I, of course, am talking about the cruel and abusive treatment of a form of canine known as "huskie". That wonderful animal, through no fault of it's own and, most assuredly, with no recourse, has been placed in a position where it is not only associated with, but, indeed, has become the very symbol of a perfidious group of dastardly, purple-loving, delusional and otherwise unbalanced fans of the organization situated in Seattle known as the University of Washington.
Imagine, if you will, the sheer horror that poor dog would feel if it were to TRULY become aware of it's lifelong connection to such a band of low-life reprobates? Imagine it's shame when it conjures images of what COULD have been if it had only been born a Duck. A fine, feathered fowl with an assumption of glory and success fully warranted by breeding and achievement.
But,'s a huskie. Forever and always to be known as a "dawg", a "purple-pooper sniffer" and other (fully deserved) acrimonious adjectivials.
Tomorrow we of the favored Duck-dom will have a chance to shine (albeit temporarily) a bit of light upon the dreary life of the canine residents of Washington. I can only hope their short-lived basking in the glow of Duck grandeur appeases some of the inner pain they surely feel - as would any creature with a modicum of empathy and grace.
Simply...may our Ducks perform activities upon the minions of the purple such that, never again shall they hear the phrase "Go Ducks" without a quiver of fear and the flush of shame from the memory of the lesson they are about to learn.