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Response to duckfan2144 and 1445duck

A.J. closed the thread, but I have to respond in a respectful manner

duckfan2144. You look pretty young and unfortunately the left has controlled the education system for 40 or 50 years now so you are a little in the dark. The KKK was founded by democrats and its purpose was to fight Republican polices that were intended to give blacks political and economic power. Hitler and the NAZI party were leftist. It stand for "National Socialist workers party" Does that sound closer to my beliefs or ,say......Bernie sanders. These are facts, not opinions.

1445duck- Conservative thought is the exact opposite of what you have learned. Totalitarianism is a leftist concept. Conservatives believe in freedom, limited government, equal opportunity. OPPORTUNITY,not outcome. Leftists on the other hand want to control outcomes with an iron fist. That's what they do. All the thugs you see in the street are leftist. Have you ever seen a conservative throw a brick threw a window? If so, share please. You imply that gun owners are afraid to hit the streets. You don't see "right wing" gun owner out there, not because they are cowards, but because they are mostly law abiding citizens. When the thugs come to their door though, then you better look out. Show me ONE picture of a conservative flying a NAZI flag. You can't because it doesn't exist. And to your questions. I don't care for the confederate flag, but its part of our history so I would not ban it.

I keep hearing people say that no one wants to abolish the police. The list of demands in Seattle include " outright abolition of both the police department and the court system" .Now, obviously most everyone will disagree, but these ideas are part of what is going on in EVERY city.. The Seattle group is also extorting business owners in the area. And most liberal politicians and citizens are of course, not standing up to them. Those who are afraid to stand against it are enablers, and cowards.Peoples business are being destroyed. Who is going to open a business in downtown Seattle or Portland? This is going to be an economic disaster. And if you went into the center of the Seattle take over, I would bet you that 70% of the participants don't remember, or never knew who George Floyd is, but hey, in Portland we have Jo Ann Hardesty running the show. She got rid of that dammed "gun reduction unit " of our police department thought. Those scum bags trying to take our childrens guns!

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I appreciate the mods allowing some political talk

This is the time to bend the rules a little. Yesterday, had a long discussion on another thread and I thought I would start another thread with some specific thoughts on de-funding the police and where it will lead. Scott, and others believe that this is really not about abolishing the police and they are correct to a point. Actually, there are many in BLM and other groups that want the police abolished. Period. Most people however, are really speaking about major reforms and cutting back on police presence. This will still lead to disaster IMO

In the Oregonian this morning there is an article that everyone should read "Wheeler:defund three police units. The weak , pathetic Wheeler has handed over all decisions to radical commissioner's Jo Ann Hardesty and Chole Eudaly . Here is what they are disbanding

1) School resource officers

2) Gun violence reduction unit

3) Portland transit division

Here is a quote that I believe tells us everything we need to know about the insanity of leftist radicals like Hardesty and Eudaly. Regarding the above three divisions, " They've cited all three units for disproportionately IMPACTING residents of color" Let me translate for those that don't speak leftism.

School resource offers are more often dealing with black kids. More Black kids are carrying guns. More black kids are a problem on Max and public transportation. Setting aside , why this is the case, or what we can do about it, and who's fault it is, lets just concentrate on the effect of this way of thinking.The narrative they want to portray is more important than public safety, As a conservative thinker, I would not care what color the people that are a danger to others are. I don't want teenagers or anyone walking around with illegal guns. If ALL of them are black, it doesn't matter. If all of them are Chinese, it doesn't matter. Transexual? Don't care

Police union president Daryl Turner, who is black for those that are obsessed with skin color, calls this a " big mistake" and "unimaginable". Wheeler reaction is to grovel at the feet of radicals and apologize about his "white privilege". What a punk!

I am talking about these issues every day because as a society we are headed for disaster. Not years from now, but weeks and months. Many of you identify as liberal. Many of you believe that leftists are your friends, and conservatives are you enemies. It is not true.Leftists do not care about the life of George Floyd, or anyone else. They are ecstatic he is dead. It is their chance to suck in well meaning liberals. They are organized and they have a plan. When the police are off the street, they will be the ones to fill the void, and it will be very ugly. They are Marxists. They want to take your money and possessions. They want to punish those who disagree.They want control. Its hard to imagine but at this point they could actually win. I think the silent majority is still a stronger , but if not, guys like me could be killed, or put in jail. For young people who have been brain washed by idiot professors, that is what leftists do. Not SOME of them. All of them. You are upset a cop killed a guy? ALL of us are? He is going to stand trail for 2nd degree murder. He did not get away with it! That is not an excuse for COWARDICE. People will be called racist and every name in the book. Its difficult, but all of our children and grandchildren's future depends on all decent people to stand up

My final thought is this. There is NO insanity that the left is not capable of. If you think they will ever be satisfied , you are kidding yourself. Think about being a Jew in Nazi Germany in 1935. Yes, you see grafftii and signs of antisemitism, but you live in a nice house and have a nice family. A good job. Someone says " Hey, in 5 years you and your family will be put in ovens and gassed" No one believed it because its beyond comprehension that this kind of evil could exist.The truth is, it does. I'm not saying this will happen, but it is not impossible. If you can imagine an evil, the left has done it. Hitler, Stalin ,Castro. Pol Pot.All of them appealed to the masses to gain their power. We cannot give into this because the more power you give them, the worse it will get. Again, they will keep pushing. Chaos in the streets is the goal.Intimidation. That is how they take power.
