Question for all the Mario Cristobal lovers?

Is the Oregon football program in better shape than the day he became the coach? It's a rhetorical question. The answer is NO!! It''s A HOT MESS! In 4 years he has not recruited one QB that can play. It doesn't matter how many stars they give you in high school. If any of the freshman could play at all, they would not be playing Brown, who is the worst Oregon QB since the 80's. This is a team of 4 star guys that simply can't play dead. This program is an absolute embarrassment. It all started with a POS coach who had no resume to deserve the head coaching job, and tricked a naive athletic director into letting him use the
Oregon program for his own personal gain. A POS who lied and used his own mother to go meet with another team that he wanted to coach at. A POS that wanted to tank the last few games, so he could start recruiting for his new team. A POS that left THIS program in absolute disarray A program that went from a top 5 team to one of the worst teams in the country in a matter of a few weeks. This is the legacy of the POS Mario Cristobal. He destroyed a program. Dan Lanning is putting together an incredible coaching staff, but he has his work cut out for him with what the POS Mario Cristobal left him. And he has the gall to talk about leaving the program in better shape than he found it? Are you kidding me? Are my lying eyes deceiving me? This team is not in the top 100 teams in the country. Thats what the POS left us!! A hot mess!! Oh....and happy new year everyone!

I totally understand the individual right to post....

Whatever the hell they want and I respect that is the agenda for an online forum.

Just like a 3-5 year old child that gets little attention or affection unless they are will teach that child to misbehave if they want attention & affection.

When someone like Duckfan37 posts just absolute literary diarrhea... if you respond, it cannot be positive. He will respond that just by your responding you are giving merit, if you disagree, he will receive positive reinforcement because you are engaging with his nonsense. He has posted this exact same DIARRHEA
many many times. Now, if you enjoy someone posting absolute literary DIARRHEA on this forum, because you enjoy it or are just bored and find the banter entertaining than by all means keep reinforcing it...because I can 💯 % guarantee it will continue. He has done it for many many years with each coaching staff and certain players from each year. Although he is entitled to his opinion, his negative mindset, and his hideous BS comments about the DUCKS staff & players...means absolutely ZERO...until you give it merit by responding! EVERYONE on here knows damn right well...the DUCKS football team is in a far far better position than when Helfrich & Tagfart left the program...if you don’t know that, then you are just being stupid! All of CFB including ALL the coaches, AD’s, announcers, and reporting pundits state it weekly! I don’t give a crap whether you’re in the I hate MC or I love me some MC can hate his personality, you can hate the way he left, you can hate the entire hiring of him and anyone he brought here for staff. Hell you can hate Mullens for everyone he’s hired...that’s your prerogative...but claiming the program is now at it’s lowest & is in worse condition than before he got hired is not just wrong, insane, but puts you in the same ignorant ridiculous circle that DuckFan37 is the proud CEO. We have one issue with ONE position in our program...and it’s one that is very common in CFB today. It’s the insanely important QB position...

So let’s look at what has actually changed and why/when did this become a problem...

The problem for the DUCKS at QB...actually happened because of a myriad of issues...and it started during the CK era. Chip and Helfrich for 4 years failed to recruit, develop, and play a legitimate back-up or replacement for Mariota. Because of this Locke & Rodrigues did not pan out & Bryan Bennett transferred out. Which truly started to show the real problem...In 2015 post Marietta, we had a promising QB Morgan Mahalak, but he was a true green pea they brought in VA. Which IMO, was not only the correct thing to do but the smart one as well. In 2016...we tried that successful experiment one more time, because we had another true green pea FR Herbert as the only real QB...don’t remember exactly why Mahalak transferred but he did. We went and got Prukop...this IMO, was a poor choice and it turned into being this decision & the promoting of Pellum that ultimately caused the wheels to fall off the DUCKS bus, hit the ditch, and burst into flames. Helfrich is fired. Now, Herbert begins his true first full time season starting with a new HC & new OC w/system....not fckn ideal. Then in 2017 we get the Tagfart shit show and our starting QB Herbert gets to start 2018 with another HC and the same OC but a little different system....again far from ideal environment for your QB room! Another fine young prospect B. Burmeister is in the room...2018 BB is a soph and Tyler Shough beats him out for back up & BB transfers. See a pattern here...see the disruption of the lack of continuity of coaches and systems for the QB position? Now insert the transfer portal and the NEW revolving “quick opt out“ mind set to the QB position. And Houston we have a problem. And damn it guys...this does NOT FALL ON ONE GUY at Oregon. 2020...again follows this pattern but add in Covid-19, shortened the replacement of Arroyo! AGAIN, Shough quits and hits the portal...2021 IMO, unless you don’t like 10 win seasons, CFB playoff contention, P12 North Championships, and bowl games....THANK GOD the staff had an experienced BACK-UP in the program that they only brought in for DEPTH...or they would have been hunting the portal for another QB.
So here we are..with DA’s needing to blame someone for their selfish self-centered unhappiness!🙈😩 And here we are DUCKS fans...2022 begins with a COMPLETE new coaching staff...un-proven talented recruits at QB, along with a transfer portal QB. Blame who you want...but this is not one man’s issue, this is not one staff’s is what it is, is it the sign of the times in CFB...hope not. Can we turn the cycle back to one of continuity & consistency...of course!!
However, may I recommend strapping on your cup & tightening your helmet? YEPPERS👍😜

A modest proposal to save CFB

Ok, "save" might be a bit much. But I think something has to be done to minimize opt outs from bowl games. I mean, I understand why a player expected to go high in the coming NFL draft might choose to forego the bowl practices and bowl game (especially when not a CFP or New Years 6 game) for fear of suffering a career altering injury, but it's just so demoralizing and tarnishes the whole CFB experience from a fan perspective, and CFB is nothing without fans. I don't personally agree with opting out, but I understand it.

That said, I can't think of many examples of a very highly touted player suffering a career-ending or seriously career-altering injury in the lead up to or participation in a bowl game. Ifo stands out, but, it's not too common, I don't think.

So, here's the proposal: the NCAA, the participating schools, and the bowls themselves create a self-funded insurance program that promises large, seriously life-altering payouts (i.e., $5-10 million) to any player suffering a serious injury in bowl-related activities that materially adversely impacts his draft stock. I know most schools offer similar policies to blue chippers in some instances, but the payouts there aren't as large as I'm contemplating, and apply to the entire season, and haven't stemmed the tide of opt outs to date. And, maybe nothing will prevent a true first-rounder from bailing on his teammates, but there are plenty of others who, realizing that an injury could result in a multi-million dollar payout without ever having to actually make an NFL roster, is a pretty good potential deal.

One final note: I sincerely hope the Ducks who opted out of this game felt like shit watching their teammates give their all to stay competitive in a game where they simply couldn't keep up for lack of talented depth.

Again, I get it, but don't respect it. Never have. Never will.

New RB Coach

Not clear to me if he's the main RB coach or an asst. RBC. Doesn't appear he was everyone's radar. I guess he's it. Another young guy who should have energy to recruit.

