You would think that after 11 years, some of the weekly "Flock Talk" columns I do would become difficult to continue coming up with ideas - especially for the subtitle.
These are Friday articles and the Title is always "Flock Talk: [Insert song title]"
I admit, sometimes I have to really stretch to come up with a subtitle to fit that theme. After all, I have done nearly 600 Flock Talk articles. While I know 600 songs, generally speaking, not all of the songs I know have any relevance to what I might want to say on any given week.
A few times I have had to go to poems (spoken songs?) to come up with a subtitle.
This week it was easy, though. I have been listening to my 'go-to early summer' CD from Kerosene Dream.
Because the Ducks have a MAJOR slate of recruits set to visit in June, the song Summer Days just stood out to me as the perfect summer melody for the subtitle.
Sometimes I am up way late looking for song ideas. And sometimes they just come to me like this week. For what it's worth, while I did not put it in the article specifically, I did reference a "personal three year winter" that was the time between my divorce and the time when I found myself again.
The opening of tomorrow's article:
I have an acquaintance I have known for nearly 25 years who happens to be in a popular local band. I first heard this band at Art in the Vineyard – a local Eugene festival that used to be held at Alton Baker Park in the summer. Kerosene Dream is a sort of jam/folk band that never went much beyond a regional band but hearing them for the first time in a summer setting after a three-year “personal winter” gives their music this sort of special place for me; it reminds me of times gone by where everything seemed possible and the days were warm and endless.
Every year when it first gets near 75, that is my go-to music because nothing is better to me than that feeling of songs that give me that summer feeling. Bart Ferguson is the acquaintance; he and his dad actually made it to a tailgate some time ago and while I would not call Bart a ‘close friend’ we chat occasionally, and he is actually a really nice guy and great Duck fan.
This week is one of those weeks where I pulled out one of their albums and it reminded me how close summer really is – and for Oregon, this promises to be a scorcher with a host of major official visitors slated to be in Eugene.