The 10 most compelling storylines for Oregon's season opener Saturday

Aaron Heisen gives us his list of the most compelling storylines for the season opener.

What do you all think? Anything he missed? Disagreements?

Ranking College QB's

With several guys on their 5th or even 6th year, it's funny that the top 2 are true 3d year draft eligible dudes. And oh the irony, the P12 is stacked.

Guess that score

Without AJ we might not have a good set-up for score guessing. I'll try to see what I can do. I'll be on the road or at the beach for a week in September but will catch up when I get home unless I have internet access in NJ (they are a bit slow there and that's where I learned to think),

The week I'm gone (third game) somebody else can get the thread going, maybe Fish or Tar? Or maybe, if I feel real energetic, I'll start the thread for game 3 before I leave and let it rot sit until it the right time. You'll have to dredge it up from among old posts to get it going if I do that. If I REALY feel energetic I get a spread sheet going to keep track of the points or maybe they'll just be like the points in "Who's line is it, anyway?"

Let's say choosing the right winner gets 10 points and each point off for each team's score is a negative ( the season winner, who gets only bragging rights, will probably be the guy who is least negative). 5 more points for getting the spread correctly and 25 for an exact final score. and let's go a -10 for games not participated in and a 25 point bonus for submitting a posted prediction for every game. At the end we'll take the points and divide by 12 or however many games are played. Anybody think of anything else?

On the other hand if somebody else wants to run a thread I won't argue.

A little from PSU

World’s Fastest Man speaks out.

I thought that I’d post this. It kind of represents a perspective of the international sports. I am a huge football fan, but I confess that I see track as a much bigger sport than football. When I watch a big time international track meet, it is hard not to see the sport’s global significance. However, the US is so good at track that a US national championship is still more star studded than any other nation’s national meet.

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Oregon begins turning attention to Portland State

Here's the latest piece from Aaron breaking down Dan Lanning's latest media session. The Oregon coach discusses some of the newcomers expected to step into roles immediately this season plus provides his thoughts on heading into his second season at the helm for the Ducks plus a lot more.

Aaron has you covered with a full writeup at the link above.

Cal Alumni Reaction

I have searched and can’t find any reaction from Stanford fans on Twitter.

However, I have seen several from the Cal fans… which is to say Cal alumni because the Oakland area football fans are NFL fans( that might change with the Raiders in LV)
The following just sums up the shock and bitterness that I’ve been seeing. Bellotti did call Cal “ A Sleeping Giant”. Shhh, read silently.

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