Elijah Gates watch...

Elijah Gates will announce today.

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This comes on the heels of a visit with Coach Taggart last Thursday.

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The Buena Park DB officially visited back in October along with the group that included two committed Ducks, Jaylon Redd and Thomas Graham. So we think the Ducks have a good shot today against the other finalist, UCLA.


DSA odds: 57.4492%.

The Big Question (for today anyway)

OK, I will be the one to ask--just how many commits are there that we do not know about? Both previous silents and commits from the weekend. I don't need names just a number-2,4,6. I haven't seen any posts from any of the mods for a number of hours now and I know we need to respect the PSA's wishes, but despite how confident I am we will all be very happy on signing day I don't want to wait until then to see the last 10 or so names. Someone, give us a bone--we can all guess who we think they are but can we get a solid number as of this moment in time?
