Receivers - Thinking Out Loud

Reading what has been written recently by Scott and AJ with interviews with the kids, etc. Got me thinking...

If we can somehow have 2 receivers who can consistently get open and catch the ball, this offense could be scary good. I personally feel the biggest reason why Herbert regressed so much during the season is because he had absolutely no confidence whatsoever that anyone outside of Mitchell could make a catch. I think that really hurt his progression as a QB.

That's what I want to see this year. Receivers running all around the secondary driving DC's nuts because you can't double anyone. Make those catches, and Herbert will get you the ball. I think (think the key word) that if we can establish two at the very least, you will see Herbert's numbers skyrocket.

Chat with coach Tom Osborne last night!!

So Tom graduated with my wife and it was their 40th reunion last night. He is retired and glad to be out of coaching living on a lake in Oregon. Talked about a lot but here’s a few thoughts:
1) A.J. - he likes you and always enjoyed dealing with you....:).
2) Without a doubt still believes Chip is the best coach in America hands down! Admits he doesn’t like recruiting but was good at it.
3) Says our team should be incredible this year but isn’t convinced on the style and some of the coaching on the field we saw last year at least!
4) Shocker but said Colt only wanted to show up on game day and carry the ball. Like all of us he is sad his addictions have taken over his life.

So much more but I will stop....if you don’t know him, he is a great guy!

A great football read about "The Tale of an Underdog"

Forgive me to posting a non-Duck item, but here is a wonderful feature written by my best friend (a Duck alum and season ticket holder) years ago that I thought folks here would enjoy. Its main point -- that media and money have a stranglehold on college football -- remains more true today than ever before.

I hope you enjoy it.

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