Look, I'm not naive. I've been in business for myself for going on 40 years. I've had my share of wins and losses, more contracts with more different people or companies than I can count. I get it. I really do.
But I am still disgusted by the manner in which these schools conduct business. They lie to each other and make promises they have no intention of keeping.
Shake my hand while I stab you in the back.
To "break up" with your "partners" and do it on the QT, behind their backs, is reprehensible in my book.
How can the ADs at USC and UCLA even look their "former" peers in the face?
With my rosed colored glasses on, I would think that these are Institutions of Higher Education and I expect much, much better than this.
The reality though, is that they are just megalomaniacs.
It wasn't too long ago that the PAC-12 (RIP) did not want to look at expanding to certain other schools, because those schools did not have high enough academic standards.
Now were are just scrambling to find a chair when the music stops.
It makes me want to puke.