Sampson Niu...

The 4-star ILB visited here these last few days and from what we are hearing really enjoyed everything about it.

Sampson Niu profile

Obviously this would be a very nice get for the Ducks. We have him at 6-0 and 200 in the DB but I think he is bigger than that. He would need to be to be a MLB at this level.

Niu will be announcing one week from today. Current DSA odds: 61.536%

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Ducks transfer.......

I just read on 247 that Kirk Merritt is transferring unfortunately. Not sure of the specifics, but he tweeted something about their being family matters to attend to. It's currently unknown as to where he'll be transferring to. Bummer. Merritt had a lot of potential and could have made an impact this season. By all accounts he is a great kid and has an excellent work ethic. Best of luck to him in all of his future endeavors.
