A heat seeking missile on a solo mission of destiny,
Brenden Schooler patrols the defensive backfield sans mounted means, looking for any who dare invade the rugged terrain over which he has lone dominion. Playing the deep secondary with gale force ferocity, Schooler is a perfect blend of free and strong safety.
A league defensive player of the year, the well-traveled Schooler lacks the pedigree of a five-star prospect not based on talent, skill, size or potential, but by the sheer farce of a too traveled player. Four schools in four years will make any player weary, overlooked, and passed over. Yet, through the pratfalls of being a coach’s son, trapped by the stigma of instability, Schooler was rigid in his fortitude. Something better this way comes was the mantra – and as close to the end of June as possible, Schooler’s patience was his virtue. Forsaking full-ride scholarships to lower level universities, he held on until Oregon called. Broken spirits soon to be soothed by mended hearts, Oregon fans should rejoice at their fortune.
Thus begins the Oregon career of perhaps the most talented, yet under-rated prospect to emerge in Oregon defensive lore since a little known, under-aged defensive back emerged from Rancho Cucamonga High School to become a future all Pac-12 and NFL Pro Bowler. Schooler might even have more upside than did Patrick Chung.
With the unexpected commitment of Schooler on Thursday evening, a torrent of information flooded the frontal cortex of many Oregon fans. But it was his complete prior anonymity driving the intrigue. Exactly who was this football Adonis who had barely registered a blip on the radar of college football elite?
Today, we begin to rectify the omission of his previous exclusion with a look at his highlight tapes. Hardly a reclamation project, we embark on our enlightenment motion. The future is always ahead, the past always gone, the present all we know.
Film Room: Schooler Review