Oregon Football Podcast is Back!!!

Duck fans,

I've teamed up with former Ducks JJ Birden and Rod Green for the Oregon Huddlecast podcast this season.

You can find the first couple episodes at the link below:

I am going to record a season preview episode soon as well, so be sure to subscribe to the podcast. I look forward to chatting with you guys on DSA all season long.

Go Ducks!
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Countering Canzano: “Helfrich not running the CK Offense”

Hey Guys,

FishDuck has been spending his spare time working on a new site this summer, but has begun to do a little writing again. He felt it was important to respond to something Journalists have been claiming—that is wrong, especially from John Canzano.

For the “Helfrich-Haters” out there—please read this article as I would hope that what you learn might alter your mindset going forward.

You know the drill—read over there, but do comment here; FishDuck is curious as to how others would disagree.

Cheers to all,
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Thomas Graham...

I got to thinking about Adam's article from earlier this week about where the top prospects on the West Coast are going to pick. For Graham no mention of Oregon. This didn't jive with my impressions talking to him in Atlanta.

So I chatted with him last night. It sounds to me like even though he has only done a top ten, the Ducks are in his top three. I think Oregon has as good a shot as anybody.

I'll write up an article for today and pin it to this thread.

Current DSA odds: 34.557%
