PAC 12 Multis Day 2

unfortunately Kierra McCarrel suffered an hamstring injury in the final event on day (200m)and will not be competing today
That is especially disappointing since today includes the Javelin, her best event.

That leaves Kylee O’Connor competing for the Duck women, and Austin Torres for the men. Austin started the day in third place. Kylee is currently in 7th.

I think that Kierra’s injury might not be severe, but it is important that she have time to completely heel.

Brayden Rohme - hidden gem?

I found it very interesting that Rohme is coached by none other than former Duck Adam Snyder. Kid has really put on a lot of weight and strength; went from 230 during football season to 265 now - and he is only going to get better.

His dad Mike is a former UCLA offensive lineman and current police detective in Phoenix. Really great family.

Arizona OL talks Oregon offer
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Recruiting insight: Sean Dollars...

His head coach Bruce Rollinson gave me a little insight into his recruitment.

"I sense this recruiting thing is difficult on him. We have got all sorts of college coaches coming through right now because it’s evaluation period. The coaches come up to me and ask, ‘who else has offered him?’ And I tell them that I don’t know and it’s true.

"I look at them and tell them ‘I don’t care about that. He is mine until we end the season, hopefully in December.’

"If I feel recruiting is becoming a distraction, I will meet with the young man"

What I find interesting about this is I was thinking Sean was going to pop a week ago for the Ducks. It still could happen at any time, but Coach Rollinson seemed to think that with so many coaches coming through to see him, he has been overwhelmed. To me, that would make me think he would commit and get it over with.

Regardless, it does give us some insights into how top veteran HS coaches view recruiting.

Jalen Hall

I know there is discussion about him in various other threads but those threads are titled for other things like Quack watch and other topics.

My questions to those in the know, do we have any idea what emergencies or things that had to be taken care of at home are? If he returns, do you feel there would be any impact to team chemistry or the rest of the guys being accepting of his return?

Couple of thoughts I had were maybe he feels he came up too early and wants to take advantage of spending time out home doing normal 18 y/o things before taking on the full college responsibilities. Or, maybe something happened at home that was not planned i.e. a parent being relocated to a new job in a different part of the country and changing the overall family plan of visiting, seeing games, etc. Trying to give the kid the benefit of doubt as I know many like to assume the worst (do it myself sometimes) and speak negatively about recruits ( I don't do that). Really like this kid and hope that Oregon is a good fit for him.
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