Auburn's WR Situation Improving

2 WR vets back this week and it's possible Schwartz might play, or at least Gus wants to keep everyone guessing.
Speaking of "being smart with those guys" and knowing hindsight is 20/20, don't we wish a certain UO WR had refrained from "laying out" for a catch in practice. Oh well, ultra competitive guys are like that, 110% every rep.

Do Summertime Temperatures and Temperature Inside Helmets Contribute to CTE?

While watching my grandson during a hot afternoon workout yesterday there was one point during a set of 100 yard sprints where he had trouble getting up from all fours. They were doing progressions with pushups in between sprints. They were doing ten sprints with ten push ups in between. Leading up to daily doubles, he had attended workouts at a local gym for a few months and two weeks leading up to daily doubles had participated in morning weight lifting/cardio and evening camps. He didn’t have a helmet on until yesterday and prior to yesterday seemed to thrive in all the workouts.

It seemed to me he was nearing heat exhaustion during the latter part of the 100 yard sprints and his competitiveness drove him to continue. The last few sprints, he stood up by stomping his foot in the ground as to say, “I’m not going to give up!”

Most football coaches would look at that and say, “What a great competitor!!”. As a grandfather, my heart was on the field with him but afterward I wondered about the impact high temperatures inside football helmets, and ultimately full uniformed players with helmets on, could be having on brain health when players continuously push through the messages the brain is signaling. This constant competitive overdrive and exposure to high temperatures is a concern. I found this study:

Any doctors on the board, please feel free to chime in. I’m going to tell my grandson to take his helmet off when he rotates out of drills and is standing around. Also going to tell him to take the helmet off and take full water breaks when given the opportunity by coaches.

Given that most are under-hydrated, I wonder what impact the combination of high heat and under-hydration has on a player brain health.
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Homeward Bound: The journey begins

No. Not a sequel to the 90s movie; just my thoughts as I head back.

Today was a long one. Up at about 5am to do some work from home. Had to go by the office and make an appearance; final goodbyes and all. Got out of there at 9; thought we would be on the road within 30 minutes; wrong!

Took longer to finish loading the RV than expected; then a little trouble hooking Leslie's car to the tow bar. Finally get out around 10 -- but our propane tank was empty; since we had perishable food in the fridge, heading out without the propane working was unappealing; so we detoured to get propane.

Finally got on the road at 11AM. After that it was pretty smooth got in 500 miles getting into Kentucky. Not sure but I think my IQ dropped by 15 points when I crossed the border, but my jumpshot was suddenly unstoppable.

Tomorrow we go to see my Marine Corps family
Will spend all day Friday with then before hitting the road for the longest leg of the trip (700 miles) on Saturday.

Practice notes: Tuesday 8-20

Not too many notes today as they only let us in there for stretching today.

  • It looked like everybody was stretching nicely.
  • Phil Knight is here at practice too
  • Bill Musgrave was just showing up as they were kicking us out
  • Not sure why we were only given 12 minutes today but I heard it had something to do with Coach not wanting any more reporting on dropped passes.
  • I did not see any drops today
  • Darrian Felix was practicing without an injury jersey today
  • Big #77 George Moore was out there looking full go after being dinged up last week
  • I'll anything else I can think of and sorry so short.
  • All for now.
