On every view of the First Duck Club forum you show an interview between Messrs.(sic) Jacob and Medas discussing NFL matters. I could care less about the NFL on this UofO related Board, but that's not the worst of the matter. DSA/Rivals has been showing this interview continuously 4 times per minute, 240 times per hour, 5760 times per day, 172,800 times per month for month after month, after month, after month, month after month, ad nauseam. The questions I have are,, why is this being done to us and when will it ever stop? I am getting so sick and tired of being subjected to this absolutely crap interview I could go off screaming into the night. This all reminds me of A Clockwork Orange where the main protagonist is punished for murdering a woman by being imprisoned and having to listen incessantly to his favorite piece of music, Beethoven's 9th symphony, until he was basically driven mad. The difference between the movie and our situation is that in the music situation he was punished for his crime, whereas, in our situation, we're subjected to this video to the point of almost wanting to commit a crime!!!
And, as long as I'm on a rant, I'd like to mention the post of Charles Fisher where he tries to make the claim that coach Cristobal is a flawed coach. When something is flawed, it usually means that the thing has an imperfection or a defect. In other words, something about the subject is less than perfect. However, to refer to a person as being flawed, it usually is used in the context of the person having a character flaw. In that sense, to refer to our coach as having a character flaw is very odious and despicable. Again, in the context in which it is being used, it looks like, that for some reason, Mr. Fisher is trying to get rid of our coach and that by continuing to run the post day-after-day, DSA/Rivals is going along w/ the slanderous implication. To remove all such implications, can we now get rid of the post? All for now, Merlin