Thomas Graham...

I got to thinking about Adam's article from earlier this week about where the top prospects on the West Coast are going to pick. For Graham no mention of Oregon. This didn't jive with my impressions talking to him in Atlanta.

So I chatted with him last night. It sounds to me like even though he has only done a top ten, the Ducks are in his top three. I think Oregon has as good a shot as anybody.

I'll write up an article for today and pin it to this thread.

Current DSA odds: 34.557%

Oregon City/Willamette Falls Whitewater Park Proposal

This is a fantastic idea for an area that needs redevelopment. Oregon has had, and has, some of the world's best kayakers and C-1 people due to our year round WW season, but without a year round slalom course, we continue to under-perform in the Oly's and Worlds.
I live in West Linn and will be getting behind this! I ask you do the same. The Falls are surrounded by rusted out, unused pulp and paper mills, and this would be a great use for the site, allowing better public access to the Falls and econ development for OC....
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