Sounds like another boxing rip off, Ward over Kovalav

Per ESPN everyone agreed Kovalav won except the ref's, setting up, guess what? A Rematch, lol. It's gonna be free in a week or two and no way I was paying $65 to watch a predictable outcome. Having not watched it, I guess I'm over stating what I am reading
Andre Ward is a very likeable guy from Oakland who had to sit out several years due to shoulder surgery. Nobody has been able to touch Kovalav in the meantime, setting up Ward's comeback PPV rip off, like so many before it.

Still Waiting ON Early NLI Track List...but

The track program has yet to post the final list of early NLI signings. For me, waiting for the list is like watching paint dry.

I will make a prediction that there will be one or more good news surprises. The current coaches have been great at signing top US high school talent, but they have also been accomplished at bringing in recruits from JCs, foreign countries, and transfers from other NCAA programs. The excitement is in waiting to see what happy surprises they might have in store for us.

Also, consider that this is just round one. If history is to repeat itself, Robert and company will load up on great recruits all the way until school starts next fall. So this class is only the starting point.
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Can The King Make it Four?

The NCAA cross country championships are Saturday morning. UO has both a men and women's team in the dance. Neither team is predicted to finish in the top three. However, the men have one of the greatest cross country athletes in college history who will be putting his undefeated record on the line.
It isn't automatic that Cheserek will win. He has a serious challenger. Some polls are predicting Cheserek to finish 2nd.

Here is the link from the AD's website:
