What Happens

As Iog on onto this Rivals forum I keep getting a message that some new and unknown group has taken control of Rivals and they want me to accept their operating requirements. They seem to have all the corporate self protection/salvage requirements like accepting their chosen arbitration etc and the right to convey any information they might accumulate about me to almost anyone they choose without my permission and for their own profits.

My question, is what happens if I refuse to accept their new rules?

Am I off this group? Do I have any alternative? Do I assume the responsibilities for any thing they might do with my information? Is my only option to leave the Rivals group?

Of course, there are other Duck forums I can join and continue to participate in things Duck.

As I am totally distrustful of any of these internet control mechanisms, I object. They seem to be forcing me in that direction, I refuse.

Am I alone?
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Great In depth Interview with Robert Johnson

What you might find interesting here is when he says that "it is all over but the shouting"
He means that the foundation has been laid. Now the workouts change...probably lighten up and we see how much the team peeks going into the big meet portion of this season. Up next is the Pac 12 Championships...which UO takes very seriously, The prognostics are that USC and UO are neck and neck in both genders. It will be on a neutral track....Stanford....but you can bet your bottom dollar our fans will out number theirs at the meet. I'll bet on Coach Robert

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Hayward Field Back in contention for 2020 Olympic trials

Mt. Sac, in southern Ca. has had delays and difficulties in getting their stadium remodel off of the ground. This has now led to a reopening of the selection process. According to today's Register Guard, Eugene or Sacramento are the likely choice. The Hayward Field renovation is scheduled to be completed sometime in 2020. The Olympic Trials would make for a fitting start to the new stadium.

Should the movement to block the demolition of the East Grandstand be successful, Eugene would still be a strong candidate for hosting the Trials.
