Bright and early tomorrow morning I will be flying to London. I will be bringing my high school sweetheart, Mrs. Levi Biggs, and it happens to be a celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary.
I'm bringing you guys along.
Well, sort of. I will be posting updates from the trip for the next two weeks on this thread. We will be going to England, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Russia.
Luckily I was able to pre-write the entire Redshirt Review series based on my great one-on-one with Coach Cristobal. First one, Popo Aumavae, was today. I also pre-wrote a Coaches' Corner for Keyon Ware Hudson and Mase Funa which will be coming out in a few days.
Dale will continue his awesome job on the Position Previews.
Scott will continue to write his gold plus be our Johnny-on-the-spot for more all the commits, etc. that happen while I'm gone.
Brandon will be working running DSA social media and working with the other two blokes (practicing my English) to keep the forums humming.
But I will add pictures and comments from the trip on this thread. Check back in here if you care to keep tabs on it. It would be fun to have you guys along keeping me (cyber) company!
A.J. aka Jake aka Levi Biggs