Behind the Scenes Recruiting gal went to the Woman's Day Clinic again this weekend and came back with all sorts of cool stories.

One that particularly caught my attention was from a forum they had with the coach's wives.

Mrs. Cristobol said that they frequently had players over for dinner and whatnot. Apparently, they have an open door policy so if a kid gets lonely or homesick, he can head over to Mario's house and hang out or get some food. She says that they never order out for food because when a player comes over to eat, she wants them to have a homecooked, family-style experience.

Mrs. C also said that the coach's wives are important to the recruiting effort when the recruits and the player's families visit Eugene.

It seems the wives spend a fair amount of time with the recruit's mothers....and the moms really like to know that their kids will a have a surrogate mom's support. They feel good knowing that the Eugene ladies will take care of their kids.

I never knew any of that.

I think that is really cool and I had no idea the coach's wives were that involved.

Great War Room Today

Scott-thanks so much for the great War Room today. Your detailed explanation of the '12 sets' was excellent. While I understood it at a very rudimentary level, your piece today was most enlightening.

I also think you hit upon something very salient last week when you indicated that your initial thoughts are that the Oregon O will be a combination of Stanford and Ok State. It will be interesting to see as it all unfolds in September.

DSA does Europe...

Bright and early tomorrow morning I will be flying to London. I will be bringing my high school sweetheart, Mrs. Levi Biggs, and it happens to be a celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary.

I'm bringing you guys along.

Well, sort of. I will be posting updates from the trip for the next two weeks on this thread. We will be going to England, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Russia.

Luckily I was able to pre-write the entire Redshirt Review series based on my great one-on-one with Coach Cristobal. First one, Popo Aumavae, was today. I also pre-wrote a Coaches' Corner for Keyon Ware Hudson and Mase Funa which will be coming out in a few days.

Dale will continue his awesome job on the Position Previews.

Scott will continue to write his gold plus be our Johnny-on-the-spot for more all the commits, etc. that happen while I'm gone.

Brandon will be working running DSA social media and working with the other two blokes (practicing my English) to keep the forums humming.

But I will add pictures and comments from the trip on this thread. Check back in here if you care to keep tabs on it. It would be fun to have you guys along keeping me (cyber) company!

A.J. aka Jake aka Levi Biggs
