For the Scotch Gurus here

Today i went to the liquor store to replace my emptying bottle of Mcallen 18. There was a customer there who advised me to get a bottle of Mcallen 15 Double Cask for considerable less money. He enlisted the store proprietor in his cause and they both said i could never tell the difference.

I did not buy but came home to research this Double Cask and could find no information on the Mcallen website

Can eny one explain how a double cask of lesser years an equal the 18? And, what the hell is double cask?

Please be quick as i need to replace my 18.


Candlelight vigil for Khyree Jackson

The Oregon Football program will hold a candlelight vigil to celebrate the life of Khyree Jackson tomorrow, July 10, in Autzen Stadium.

The vigil will begin at 8 p.m. and will be open to the public. Media may enter Autzen Stadium through the West gate (near the Marcus Mariota Center) beginning at 7:30 p.m. The ceremony will take place at midfield, facing the South side

The public may enter Autzen Stadium through the South Gate beginning at 7:30 p.m. and will be seated in the South stands.

I catch this guy quite often

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Oregon had out-recruited the other new teams to the B1G for, I believe, at least the past 4 years (and probably will again this round) so they SHOULD be beating these guys soundly. They play two of the three this season along with non-conference practice vs a much weakened AOC group.

I think the best thing the Ducks have going for them is focus beyond confidence. They are not going to go into games flouting overconfidence.

Ten Oregon defensive players who could break out this fall🏈

Aaron Flowers:
The second-line of any projected safety two-deep is a mystery. Aside from Tysheem Johnson and Kobe Savage, no safety has played much at this level. Flowers seems in better position than just about 2024 signee to play a big role this fall. He arrived as a perceived ready-made prospect, and given what we saw in the spring game and the lack of alternative options, there's a good chance he's a backup safety immediately. A strong freshman year could lead to a starting gig the following fall when both Johnson and Savage have departed.

