I was reading another post and the poster mentioned that we are looking pretty good at QB (so sorry that I don't remember who said that...).
I got to thinking and I really agree.
When was the last time we were this "comfortable" at the position?
I know only too well that you can have 4*s filling out the QB room and still not be good...but these guys just seem to me to be the real deals......Herbert, Millen, Shough, Butterfield.
Now, who knows...they could end up like a lot of our recent 4* QBs and not be that good.
But I have an unscientific feeling that these guys are gonna be good.
Funny, though, that QB centric coaches like Helfrich and SWT could not recruit good QBs (SWT still can't) but an OL coach can......just saying.
(OK ...props to Marcus)
Win, Lose or Draw..this is gonna be a really fun season.