Jim Grelle RIP

Sorry if this has already been posted.

This guy was the real deal in the day...awsome miler.

The article is long but it is very worth reading...kind of history of Duck running. Americans used to SO dominate in the mile. (check Oregon Duck Dyrol Burleson reference in the article).

RIP Jim.

Politics no go zone please

I am speaking solely for myself here, so hear me out. With all the turmoil in this country right now, I come here to escape and chat and read about my beloved Ducks. This is a place where I can not have to hear all the accusations and bullshit, lies, partial truths, propaganda, the ever present 'racist' accusation, etc. It pisses me off when I come here for my Duck peace, and it gets shit on by political bickering. Its a real shit sandwich you know. Please, keep my DSA politics free.

OT: Farenheit 451...

The burning of books. The destruction of history...straight out of the communist playbook.

An equivalent, at least in my eyes, to tearing down monuments that remind us the dirty, ugly, but progressive history of our country. What we stand for NOW. 150 years ago, this countries forefathers fought for ideas, right and wrong. But the thought that our history induces current conflict is wrong. We are being reminded of the wrong ideas, and it threatens our very idea that this country was built on rebellion. Not hate, but ideals. Right or wrong, it created the greatest country on the planet.
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For any monthly subscribers out there

You can take advantage of the Rivals deal they are giving new subscribers. If you upgrade from monthly to annual, you will get your first year for $49.99 and then get a $49.50 gift card to the Rivals Fan Shop.

Just go to the front page and click on your name in the upper right. Click on Subscriptions and it should take you to your current subscription at Duck Sports Authority. Look for the upgrade button. Use Promo Code: Annual2020

That beats paying $120 a year if you have a monthly sub.

OT: SARS-CoV-2 Genetics, Evolution, Geographical Spread....

UCTV has some great stuff. If you have the time and are interested, this really explains where things stand.
Good news, explains why the various strains (actually "clades") of CV 19 seems to be similar enough and mutating in ways that a vaccine should work. Also shows on a graph comparing it to other viruses on one axis in terms of infectious spread and on the other it's fatality rate. Yikes, if we get something as deadly as the bird flu that spreads as efficiently as CV would seem we are F'd.

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