We spend a lot of time on loyalty, if not obeisance on this site pleading for our continuity of coaching and loyalty and family, etc, etc etc.
In case we haven't been looking, or too Duck fevered with rapture on the sanctity of our coaches, they out earn a lot of us by a quantum force. Why is it we view them as priests of the holy duck egg when they have to earn their wages just like any working stiff?
NCAA Football is big business. Nike is big business and has invested, maybe close to a half $Billion or more on the football program. TV revenue flows and the PAC 12 has it's own income stream from the network and major outlet revenues, aside from ticket sales.
It's quaint and maybe valuable that we cling to notions of innocence that many of us used to have about team, school and spirit as long as we can. Because it's not the world we live in. Most of us are judged on our fitness reports, yet we have so much forbearance on the performance of coaches who draw $Millions as if they are some holy priesthood beyond reproach.
I'm always dismayed by posters who wrap laurels and thanks around Rob Mosely for reporting on what he's paid to do, on practices with all the import and nuances of a stuffed raccoon as of he were some Delphic oracle.
Maybe the healthiest thing that's happened after our run is to acknowledge it's over and deal with it. And if we don't like it, pound the table and hold those in charge to the same rules that rule us. And those rules begin with earning one's keep.