Cal: Oregon graduate assistant Ramsen Golpashin has joined the Cal staff. Golpashin spent one year on the Oregon staff and is a former Oregon player.
Not a huge surprise considering the relationship between Coach Greatwood and Ramsen. Plus there can only be two GA per staff as I understand it, and David Gilbertson was brought from USF to Oregon as a GA. I believe Kwame Agyeman is still at Oregon as the defensive GA.
Congrats, and best wishes to Ramsen. Always a Duck, and always a Man of Oregon.
Not a huge surprise considering the relationship between Coach Greatwood and Ramsen. Plus there can only be two GA per staff as I understand it, and David Gilbertson was brought from USF to Oregon as a GA. I believe Kwame Agyeman is still at Oregon as the defensive GA.
Congrats, and best wishes to Ramsen. Always a Duck, and always a Man of Oregon.