Someone said this was coming, but since we dropped HBO months back, I didn't know it was coming so soon. Much of the original cast was old as heck for the first 3 seasons, so they will be ancient now. We shall see, but for my money, the original was one of the best done American TV historical drama series of all time.
"Best writing from Deadwood early gold rush/pioneer days" illustrates how carefully the script was written to catch the many characters and characteristics of pre-fire Deadwood. Will the movie remain faithful? IT will be a tough act to follow in 2 hours, but what the hey....
Amazon product ASIN 0762754168
"Best writing from Deadwood early gold rush/pioneer days" illustrates how carefully the script was written to catch the many characters and characteristics of pre-fire Deadwood. Will the movie remain faithful? IT will be a tough act to follow in 2 hours, but what the hey....
Amazon product ASIN 0762754168