No. Not a sequel to the 90s movie; just my thoughts as I head back.
Today was a long one. Up at about 5am to do some work from home. Had to go by the office and make an appearance; final goodbyes and all. Got out of there at 9; thought we would be on the road within 30 minutes; wrong!
Took longer to finish loading the RV than expected; then a little trouble hooking Leslie's car to the tow bar. Finally get out around 10 -- but our propane tank was empty; since we had perishable food in the fridge, heading out without the propane working was unappealing; so we detoured to get propane.
Finally got on the road at 11AM. After that it was pretty smooth got in 500 miles getting into Kentucky. Not sure but I think my IQ dropped by 15 points when I crossed the border, but my jumpshot was suddenly unstoppable.
Tomorrow we go to see my Marine Corps family
Will spend all day Friday with then before hitting the road for the longest leg of the trip (700 miles) on Saturday.
Today was a long one. Up at about 5am to do some work from home. Had to go by the office and make an appearance; final goodbyes and all. Got out of there at 9; thought we would be on the road within 30 minutes; wrong!
Took longer to finish loading the RV than expected; then a little trouble hooking Leslie's car to the tow bar. Finally get out around 10 -- but our propane tank was empty; since we had perishable food in the fridge, heading out without the propane working was unappealing; so we detoured to get propane.
Finally got on the road at 11AM. After that it was pretty smooth got in 500 miles getting into Kentucky. Not sure but I think my IQ dropped by 15 points when I crossed the border, but my jumpshot was suddenly unstoppable.
Tomorrow we go to see my Marine Corps family
Will spend all day Friday with then before hitting the road for the longest leg of the trip (700 miles) on Saturday.