In an article of wistful longings of a past we never had, Collin Wiest penned a smarmy, romanticized , paen to Duck nobility and the loss of innocence caused by our recent restructuring.
If we had the echoes of Rockne and Dorais, of Lujack and the Golden Boy, Weist may have been on to something that brings a longing to remembrances of things past. His Oregon Live posting:
We are a recent arrival to the elites of college football, unless 15 years is counted in dog longevity, that is. His musings and lament mirror the same pangs we've read here...and genuine sympathy at the loss of faithful coaches elevated from within our noble, ivy covered, victorious and dominating juggernaut of historical non pareil.
It would be sad if it weren't bathos that tradition had nothing to do with Chip Kelly bringing football revolution to Eugene from New Hampshire. It wasn't home grown, was imported. So was Lubick...and even Helfrich.
Wiest sounds like a codger in a rocker, murmuring about a fictional state of grace that over domed Duck Football, with each rock inciting a tear.
Let's get on with this. We're new to this, whatever, elite thing and don't know how to embrace it yet, even while we kvetch about our fall and plead for the coaches who caused it.
Willie Taggart and the clean sweep could not have come soon enough. And Wiest had best find another subject for the lovelorn.
If we had the echoes of Rockne and Dorais, of Lujack and the Golden Boy, Weist may have been on to something that brings a longing to remembrances of things past. His Oregon Live posting:
We are a recent arrival to the elites of college football, unless 15 years is counted in dog longevity, that is. His musings and lament mirror the same pangs we've read here...and genuine sympathy at the loss of faithful coaches elevated from within our noble, ivy covered, victorious and dominating juggernaut of historical non pareil.
It would be sad if it weren't bathos that tradition had nothing to do with Chip Kelly bringing football revolution to Eugene from New Hampshire. It wasn't home grown, was imported. So was Lubick...and even Helfrich.
Wiest sounds like a codger in a rocker, murmuring about a fictional state of grace that over domed Duck Football, with each rock inciting a tear.
Let's get on with this. We're new to this, whatever, elite thing and don't know how to embrace it yet, even while we kvetch about our fall and plead for the coaches who caused it.
Willie Taggart and the clean sweep could not have come soon enough. And Wiest had best find another subject for the lovelorn.