This report indicates that active duty military can refuse immunizations:
When I was in we just lined up and got the shots not even knowing what they were until they filled out our immunization certificate. My first day I got six shots in each arm and the Polio drops orally. I was assigned to a worldwide medical response team and got every immunization known to man at that time.
Strange days. You can be ordered out to get shot with ordinance but not a needle.
US military says a third of troops opt out of being vaccinated, but the numbers suggest it's more
Despite a massive effort by the Pentagon to promote the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, the US military's opt-out rate for vaccinations may be far higher than the 33% figure defense officials have used publicly.
When I was in we just lined up and got the shots not even knowing what they were until they filled out our immunization certificate. My first day I got six shots in each arm and the Polio drops orally. I was assigned to a worldwide medical response team and got every immunization known to man at that time.
Strange days. You can be ordered out to get shot with ordinance but not a needle.