Cristobal hire should be a strike 3 for Mullens

I have been watching Oregon football or 52 years and this is the the moist embarrassing loss I have ever seen.To not be able to even compete with a Big Sky team. Mullens has now hired Helfrich, Slick Willie, and now this clown .Enough already.He has got to go.

Did anyone notice that when Brooks James got the idiotic penalty to kill that drive, Cristobal said nothing to hime when he came off the field. Exactly like Helfrich

The offensive line is fat,out of shape, and weak minded. They got the coach they wanted so now they are going to take it easy and play like fat, lazy,slobs

As Herbie pointed out.Why is the guy that was too big time to even play, running this shot show? The guy that won't play is the leader?

The program is in the tank and it falls on Mullens. The entire staff should be fired in the locker room after this game.It' s already obvious that Cristabol has no discipline and that the lunatics will be running the asylum ,just like under Helfrich
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Our passion showed its true colors yesterday, Good & Bad !!

I for one lost my mind for a bit yesterday. The loss was embarrassing and brutally painful. Our passion towards our Ducks showed its true colors on this site after the game. Good or bad it was blatantly apparent. In hindsight some of the comments were mean spirited and somewhat overblown, me included. I lost it too, so I have been reflecting on the emotions. We all love our Ducks and thats why we are on this site. I enjoy it so much, that pulling up the Rivals site is the first thing I look at when I get home from work. To all of you, my Duck brothers, I hope you and I can let yesterdays game be a distant memory. The circumstances of our team the last couple of weeks have been somewhat unprecedented. I think how I emotionally handled the situation from the time slick Willie announced, and the time up till the game, it was not good. I can only imagine how hard it was for our 18 - 20 year old players, most far away from home and feeling betrayed.... Not to mention the coaches. The Passion on this board was real and thats what makes us great fans. I for one will throw last night in the toilet and look forward to a great 2018. Mario Cristobal, our new head coach deserves it. Hope your all on board and Merry Christmas to my Duck brothers on this site. Now, lets go get a great recruiting class !!

I vote for a contest.....

I want to see who can come up with the craziest, most negative, looney tune, mind numbing post about DUCK FOOTBALL & its inevitable disaster under the new coaching staff! This contest is limited to 3 contestants that are clearly very skilled at this endeavor.
Jmcdonald, Duckfan4Life, originalduck37
Can we provide the winner with a free year subscription to this site & a years supply of their favorite medication? I will certainly chip in for the entertainment value!

Burn the Oregon football Program to the ground

Based on the lackadaisical way the team played, it showed me that the coaches did not have the team close to being ready to play. There appears to be serious problems with the coaching staff when they have 2 weeks to get the team ready and yet they looked totally unprepared to play a football game.
The lack of skill and effort tells me that the Ducks are headed straight to the bottom 10 and last place in the Pac-12. They need to burn the whole program down to the ground starting with Mullens and start over.That was one of the worst exhibitions of Football I have ever seen Oregon play. Even in the old days when they were over matched talent wise they at least gave their best effort.I was totally embarrassed with Oregon's performance.

Play Calling

I'm hoping some of you who have a much better at understanding strategy than I do can help out here.

Fact: we could not run on BSU
Fact: we kept trying to hit the edges on BSU, with not a whole lot of success.
Fact: we seldom threw across the middle on BSU

So..... pound it up the middle, spread them out right and left...then pound em up the middle and spread them out right and left. Seems like that would have set up the D for something over the middle.

How about passing downfield......a hook in the about a couple of quick slants to get our speed merchants the ball behind the linebackers and in space?

I realize that Herbert got little protection from the line and could not sit back there for a long time but still? I also recognize that he was not throwing with his usual accuracy.....but I would have loved some quick hitting slants and what not.

Further, it seemed like every time we did that quick hit direct pass to the sidelines, BSU had at least as many guys there as we did.

So.....what was it about the defense that took away the middle of the field and downfield?

And, did they double Nelson?....they sure took him out of the game.

And, what happened to Breeland...MIA.

And, why do we run the fly sweep with Mitchell and have Nelson blocking for him? I give the ball to Nelson on that play 90% of the time...Mitchel is not nearly as good a runner as Nelson is in my opinion.

Enquiring minds want to know?

Thanks in advance for your expertise.
